Patriot Day 2023

Patriot Day 2023

Posted by Hayley Adams on Aug 31st 2023

Not to be confused with Patriots’ Day which acknowledges the American Revolution, Patriot Day is a day of national observance to those who lost their lives on Tuesday September 11, 2001. Although it is not a national holiday, memorials, moments of silence, and awareness events are still observed by Americans throughout the nation each year.

Not long after the September attacks, a bill was introduced to the house of Representatives to make September 11th a national day of mourning. The was bill passed and endorsed both parties in December of 2001. From that point forward, September 11th was officially known as Patriot Day and a National Day of Service and Remembrance.

Ways To Observe 9/11

  • Flags are to be flown at half-staff on all US government buildings and establishments throughout the world.
  • Fly flags at half-staff or with a mourning bow or streamer off of home and businesses.
  • Observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46am EST, when the first plane flew into the World Trade Center.
  • Talk to heroes, survivors, or family members of those who perished in the attacks. Learn about their personal stories so you can bring awareness and educate others about these events.
  • If you want to make a donation, please click here to make a monetary donation to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum.

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