Proper Flag Hanging Etiquette for Beginners

Proper Flag Hanging Etiquette for Beginners

Posted by Hayley Adams on Jul 13th 2023

The American flag is a powerful symbol of unity, freedom, and national pride. When displayed with dignity and respect, it serves as a reminder of the values that define our nation. The United States Flag Code provides guidelines for the proper handling and display of the flag, ensuring that it receives the respect it deserves.

Below, is a beginner's breakdown of the protocols for properly hanging and handling your flag, understanding flag-hanging etiquette, and highlighting some crucial do's and don'ts as it relates to Old Glory.

When hanging and displaying the flag on a flagpole, be sure to follow these guidelines:

  • Raise the flag briskly and lower it ceremoniously.
  • Position the union (blue field with stars) at the peak of the staff when the flag is displayed horizontally.
  • If hanging vertically, ensure the union is at the top left corner.
  • Avoid displaying a tattered or faded flag. It should always be in good condition. Click here for retiring flag information.

When handling the flag, always ensure you are maintaining the dignity of the flag by following these practices:

  • Never let the flag touch the ground. Handle it with clean hands and avoid any form of disrespect or desecration.
  • When carrying the flag in a procession, it should be to the right of other flags or at the front and center.
  • When presenting the flag, hold it high and upright, allowing everyone to see it clearly.
  • Do not use the flag as clothing or drapery.

Here are some additional do's and don'ts regarding flag etiquette and displaying the flag:

  • Properly illuminate the flag if you choose to display it 24/7, ensuring it’s always visible.
  • Avoid displaying a flag during inclement weather, unless it is an all-weather flag designed for such conditions.
  • When the flag is flown at half-staff, it should first be raised to the peak for a moment, then lowered to the half-staff position.
  • Displaying multiple flags? The American flag should hold the place of honor, either in the center or to the right (the observer's left).

By following proper flag hanging etiquette, handling the flag with respect, and displaying it correctly, we not only honor the American flag, but we also pay homage to the nation it symbolizes. Let us embrace these protocols to preserve the sacredness and significance for generations to come.